Konstantinova et al (2008) "Divergent Associations of Plasma Choline and Betaine with Components of Metabolic Syndrome in Middle Age and Elderly Men and Women"
This epidemiological study found that high serum betaine was associated with low:
- serum non-HDL cholesterol
- triglycerides
- percent body fat
- waist circumference
- systolic and diastolic blood pressure
- smoking
and associated with high:
- HDL cholesterol
- physical activity
Thus favorable cardiovascular and metabolic syndrome risk factors were associated with high betaine concentrations.
Papers 2004-7:
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Iqbal et al (2006) "Betaine, a novel antithrombotic agent for effective management of peripheral arterial occlusive diseases."
Iqbal et al (2006) "Betaine induced release of tissue factor pathway inhibitor and nitric oxide: implications in the management of cardiovascular disease."
Schwab et al (2006) "Orally Administered Betaine Has an Acute and Dose-Dependent Effect on Serum Betaine and Plasma Homocysteine Concentrations in Healthy Humans."
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Francois H. T. Duong (2006). "S-adenosylmethionine and betaine correct hepatitis C virus induced inhibition of interferon signaling in vitro." Hepatology 43(4): 796-806.
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