Simple liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) was applied to non-targeted metabolic analyses to discover new metabolic markers in animal plasma. Principle component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares–discriminate analysis (PLS-DA) were used to analyse LC-MS multivariate data. PCA clearly generated two separate clusters for artificially induced diabetic mice and healthy control mice. PLS-DA of time-course changes in plasma metabolites of chicks after feeding generated three clusters (pre- and immediately after feeding, 0.5–3 h after feeding and 4 h after feeding). Two separate clusters were also generated for plasma metabolites of pregnant Angus heifers with differing live-weight change profiles (gaining or losing). The accompanying PLS-DA loading plot detailed the metabolites that contribute the most to the cluster separation. In each case, the same highly hydrophilic metabolite was strongly correlated to the group separation. The metabolite was identified as betaine by LC-MS/MS. This result indicates that betaine and its metabolic precursor, choline, may be useful biomarkers to evaluate the nutritional and metabolic status of animals.
Katayama, K., et al., Non-targeted analyses of animal plasma: betaine and choline represent the nutritional and metabolic status. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl), 2011. 5 Nov.